List of fees (updated 27/07/2022)
These prices are a starting figure only. For a more exact quote, please contact me at
robbycharters[curly "A" sign]gmail[dot]com.


US Dollars


British Pounds

Converting a DOC, ODT or HTML file (up to 100,000 words or so) into a professionally formatted eBook with text only and table of contents. I supply you with either of the following:

1 ePub file (which can be uploaded to Kindle Direct, or Smashwords or any other publishing venue)


1 PDF file (as eBook or POD print-ready interior file)


1 Doc file suitable for uploading to




Additional fee for interior graphics and other obects (illustrations, photos, graphs, as well as special formatting like lists, quotes, poetry, etc.)* cost per object:**




Additional fee for converting to any of the above from a PDF file (depending on size and complexity)




Cover Design with artwork*
(depending on complexity)

Starting from $80.00

Starting from €80.00

Strting from £67.00

Colour Illustration (depending
on size and complexity)

starting from $120.00

starting from €100.00

starting from £100.00

Line Drawing (depending on
size and complexity)

starting from $69.00

starting from €69.00

starting from £590.00

* artwork provided by customer
** other objects, such as bullet lists, side bars, footnotes, links, etc. we'll discuss separately